My latest painting – London

Recently I realised that I hadn’t posted anything for a while. In fact, the last time I can remember doing anything specifically in acrylic must have been something like 6 months ago! Anyway I decided to paint something in acrylics. The final result is the image you have just seen. It is set in London,…

A couple of updated drawings that I have been working on.

Over the last couple of weeks & months, I have sort of “forgotten” to post any of the drawings that I have done. So, I decided to update you now. These are 2 I did at different times. They were both done in the same 5″ sketchbook with a fine-liner pen, and the first one…

Designing A Mobile Bookstore App

In the last few days, I have designed another prototype – this time, it isn’t a website – it’s a mobile app. I completed it over the course of about 2-3 days. I was looking at a few website ideas recently, and decided to combine a few ideas, to create another design. This is how…

A quick website concept for a space-themed website.

I haven’t been posting much recently because I have been doing lots of other web development, but here is a quick website design prototype that I just created. I was looking at various websites (dribble, behance, etc) to get some ideas for website designs. I saw a website design that I liked – and that…

I drew & painted my outside window with a fine-liner pen!

Quite a while ago, I developed a strategy – which is almost definitely not my original idea – where I get a fine-liner pen, do a drawing with it, then paint it with watercolours. Before I started using watercolours, I used to paint with acrylics. Nowadays, I hardly ever use acrylics – I do like…

The Web Design For My New Open Source Project!

You may have read my last post, where I talked about my new, open source project! Here is a quick description if you haven’t seen the last post: A website used for designing, organising and planning software projects – aimed at software developers and programmers – allowing the user to easily and painlessly plan, design,…

I drew a self portrait!

So a bit over a year ago (before I started this blog), I did a couple of portraits. I learnt most of what I know about it because of several books my parents got me about drawing portraits. But then, I sort of stopped doing them – until now! I decided to do a drawing…

I created a futuristic airplane with 3D Software!

As some of you will be aware, I have been using some free, 3D software called Blender. This is my most recent creation – a futuristic airplane! I have decided to make it similar to the Star Wars movies, because some of the spaceships are very cool. I created it over a period of 1…

Some EXTREME graphic design trial & error!

So I was wondering what graphic design to do, when I decided to invent an imaginary place and make a leaflet of an imaginary Indian restaurant in the imaginary place! I didn’t think it far enough through to think of a name for the restaurant, but that doesn’t really matter and names aren’t my strong…